I founded MIROECHO to inspire individuals and groups to DISCOVER their UNIQUENESS through EXPERIENCE.

When growing up, I often felt misplaced and misunderstood. I cultivated a comfortable habit of “fitting in”. The blending became so seamless that I stopped recognizing it. I dissolved into conformity and everyone around me.

As a business consultant in the tech industry, I engaged with many organizations and individuals with different social and cultural backgrounds. Towards the end of my corporate journey, I arrived in education.

It still fascinates me, how my experiences and relationships lead me to the realization of HOW TO reactivate what has been dormant.

 A significant contributor has been the ENGAGEMENT with DIFFERENCE. I recognized that avoiding what is different is like denying myself incredible opportunities. 

So, I allowed myself to see the world differently. It opened space for awareness, realization and the creation of what has not been before. A new experience.

The discovery of my UNIQUENESS led  me to where I am right now.

Ready to share and collaborate with others.

Erik Braun